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20% higher electricity consumption on 6th of January

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The consumption of electricity on 6th of January increased by 20% compared to the same day in 2018, the electricity distribution company CEZ Bulgaria said on 7th of January...

higher electricity consumption 6th january

The consumption of electricity on 6th of January increased by 20% compared to the same day in 2018, the electricity distribution company CEZ Bulgaria said on 7th of January.

Company data shows that last year, the average consumption in Western Bulgaria was 1,525 megawatts, while yesterday it was 1,818 megawatts.

The increase in grid load on 6th of January was by 27% higher as compared to the 1st of January this year, which was also a holiday. The average consumption at that time was 1,438 megawatts. On the first day of the new year, electricity consumption led to a 5% higher grid load compared to the first day of 2018 when the average value was 1,370 megawatts, CEZ said.

Electricity consumption increased by 9.30% for the first six days of the new year compared to the same period in 2018. The record-breaking day with the highest grid load since the beginning of the year was 4th of January.

The data on that day showed that the electricity consumption was 1,840 megawatts. This is also explained by the drop in temperatures, the Electricity Company said.

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