More than 140 cats were showcased at one of the largest and most significant international events – the World Cat Show in Varna. The event provided a spectacular opportunity for cat lovers to witness winners of various contests and exhibitions. Which cat breeds are among the most beautiful, what do cats like and dislike, is there anything we still don't know about them?
Tsanka and Julie Palovi have been breeding cats for 5 years. Ever since they got their first pet, their lives have changed. Today, they run one of the largest catteries of Canadian Sphynx cats in Bulgaria.
Yuli Palov: “Our lives have basically become all about cats. How can I say it? We talk about cats. We talk about the breed. We think about where and when to go to exhibitions, because in order for these cats to become champions – like this one, the best black Sphynx in the world – it requires a lot of traveling to exhibitions.”
At the show in Varna, they presented a family of Sphynx cats, including the mother, Muana, who has different-coloured eyes.
Tsanka Palova: “She has a rare 'chimera' coat, which is born very rarely. Such a cat is born once every ten years, because it is generally produced only in laboratories. This one, however, was created by nature. Just like people are unique, each cat is very different. Right now, she’s scolding him, while he remains calm. The other cat loves him very much. Each one is different. It’s never boring with cats at home.”
The World Cat Show in Varna is one of the events cat lovers look forward to, as it features some of the most interesting and exotic breeds, including the Savannah cat, Maine Coon, and British Shorthair.
“One of the most interesting breeds at this year’s exhibition is the Kurilian Bobtail. It’s named so because its tail looks like a pom-pom,” said one exhibitor.
This breed hails from the Kuril Islands and is entirely natural, developed without any human intervention. These cats are known for their calm and affectionate nature, even resembling puppies as they can be trained to walk on a leash with a harness. Calmness is also a trait of British Shorthair cats.
Diane Adiarini, Indonesia: “I’ve come all the way from Indonesia to Varna for the exhibition. I’m participating with seven cats, most of them British Shorthairs. There are so many beautiful cats here, and the people, the setting, and the atmosphere are fantastic.”
So, what do we know and what don’t we know about cats?
Elena Lavrenteva, International Judge, Latvia: "That's a very interesting question. As science advances, we are learning more and more about cats. Every year, new colours and breeds are discovered, so felinology is a constantly evolving science. What we ultimately realize is that the more we know, the more we understand that we know nothing.”
However, before adopting a pet, it is important to remember the basic rule.
Isabella Petkova:“Every pet, whether it’s a cat, dog, parrot, or any other animal, must be understood as becoming part of the family. Cats are incredibly social creatures. People who want to have a kitten should understand that it requires attention: cuddling, grooming, and observing their needs.”
Once they receive attention, these cudly animals show their love delicately towards their caretakers. Cats who are very attached to their owners often follow them around the house because they want to be close to them.