Sofia Hosts the European Economic and Financial Affairs Council

Sofia hosts the European Economic and Financial Affairs Council – ECOFIN on 27th of April. A Eurogroup meeting was held before that. Ministers and central bankers from European countries...

sofia hosts european economic financial affairs council
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11:47, 27.04.2018

Sofia hosts the European Economic and Financial Affairs Council – ECOFIN on 27th of April. A Eurogroup meeting was held before that. Ministers and central bankers from European countries will discuss cohesion policy of the economies of countries from and outside the euro zone.

Bulgaria has already expressed its willingness to apply for membership in the European Exchange Rate Mechanism (ERM) by the end of the Bulgarian Presidency of the Council of the EU.

Mario Centeno, President of the Eurogroup: We discussed the issue in the Eurogroup, This is not part of today's agenda, so we will talk later on this topic.

Pierre Moscovici, EU Commissioner: Let's not talk about deadlines, let's talk about the political situation and what it is - Bulgaria is enthusiastic to enter the eurozone and we welcome this enthusiasm. We are ready to work on Bulgaria’s accession. But we have to prepare and there is no need to rush, no need to push as there are still criteria for implementation. Behind these criteria, for example, is the first condition to be in the ERM-2 exchange rate mechanism. There you will spend two years, because entry must be an asset, not a shock for you. There are deadlines, there is a process, there are methods such as your acceptance in the EU banking season. Everyone wants Bulgaria to become part of the eurozone. Let us respect the criteria that are part of the process.

Bulgarian politicians expressed optimism yesterday that entry into the Eurozone waiting room could take place within a year. Among the other topics to be discussed in Sofia are the capital markets, the fight against tax fraud, corporate taxation and tax policy in the digital sphere.

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