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Bird flu outbreak detected in Plovdiv district, nearly 40,000 hens affected

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огнище птичи грип локализирано пловдивско засегнати близо 000 кокошки

A new outbreak of Avian Influenza (bird flu) has been detected in a poultry farm in the village of Tsalapitsa, Plovdiv disrict (Southern Bulgaria), where there are 39,188 laying hens. This was reported by the Plovdiv Regional Administration, based on information from the Bulgarian Food Safety Agency (BFSA) on March 21. After a meeting of the Regional Epizootic Commission, convened in connection with the outbreaks identified by BFSA, it was announced that all necessary measures are being taken to limit and eliminate the consequences.

"New outbreaks are possible, so we are sending letters to all mayors of municipalities, and through them to the mayors of all settlements, to warn them to be particularly vigilant, both among farm owners and private households," said Dr. Chavdar Chavdarov, Director of the Plovdiv Regional Food Safety Directorate.

He recommended to strictly follow the recommendations of BFSA in order to stop the spread of the infection.

A 3-kilometre protection zone has been established around the affected farm, including the village of Tsalapitsa and the town of Stamboliyski. The 10-kilometre surveillance zone includes the town of Săedinenie, as well as the villages of Voysil, Benkovski, Radinovo, Kostievo, Orizari, Kadievo, Zlatitrap, Yoakim Gruev, Kurtovo Konare, Novo Selo, Trivoditsi, Hadzhievo, Govedare, and Malo Konare.

In order to prevent the spread of the disease, Plovdiv Food Safety Directorate is taking measures to humanely cull the infected and contact birds in the affected facilities. An epizootiological investigation is being carried out, along with tracking the movement of domestic and other birds, products, animal by-products, bird feed, and the transport vehicles related to the farm's operation.

The disease is spread by direct contact with secretions and faeces from infected birds, contaminated feed and water. Because avian influenza viruses are persistent for long periods in the environment at low temperatures, they can spread from farm to farm, including through inventory and equipment.

The main measures to contain avian influenza are the introduction of high biosecurity requirements and their strict implementation and compliance by poultry farm owners and staff. Important safety measures include keeping the birds indoors without access to wild birds and rodents, proper storage of the feed on which they will be fed, strict monitoring of the origin of newly purchased birds and their health status, and cleaning and disinfection of incoming and outgoing transport vehicles.

The most recent case of avian influenza outbreak detected in Plovdiv district was last month. Then, BFPA detected an outbreak of Influenza A (influenza) in a poultry farm in the village of Chalukovi, Rakovski Municipality. The outbreak was detected after the farm owner reported an increase in mortality among the birds, which included 4,240 mulard ducks.

Source: BTA

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