Sofia Tidies up for the EU Presidency

Cleaning the streets in the centre of Sofia takes place as part of the preparation for the welcoming the delegates for the Bulgarian Presidency of the Council of the EU...

sofia tidies presidency
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от БНТ
15:59, 08.01.2018

Cleaning the streets in the centre of Sofia takes place as part of the preparation for the welcoming the delegates for the Bulgarian Presidency of the Council of the EU. The opening ceremony for the Presidency will be held on 11th of January.

The cleaning aims to reduce the fine dust particles in the air.

Mud and sand were cleaned away from curbs in central Sofia.

The washing of the streets is among the measures aimed at tackling polluted air in the capital city.

The measures for cleaner air in the capital also include phasing out of old cars that cause pollution above the permissible standards. Buying new buses and trams, building the subway, repairing the streets and planting new 2,000 trees.

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