Round table discusses employment of people with disabilities

А round table on 10th of July under the patronage of Bulgaria’s President Rumen Rade discussesc the necessary changes that will lead to the full integration...

round table discusses employment people disabilities
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от БНТ
16:58, 10.07.2018

А round table on 10th of July under the patronage of Bulgaria’s President Rumen Rade discussesc the necessary changes that will lead to the full integration of all people with disabilities into the labour market. This is the purpose

In his speech, Radev stressed that the forum coincided with the protest of the mothers of children with disabilities. He said that as a society we should be deeply sympathetic to their problems. He was firm that this requires speedy and fair legislative decisions and financial commitments.

Today's discussion was planned last year as a commitment by the head of state when he met representatives of the National Council for the Integration of People with Disabilities. All stakeholders took part in the discussions.

Roumen Radev, President of Bulgaria: Our obligation as a society to these people is not entirely in providing some kind of personal pension or social benefits. This is the easiest way to exclude these people. The moral duty that we all have is to build such social environment that will engage these people fully in employment.

Adriana Stoimenova, Deputy Chair of the National Council for the Integration of People with Disabilities: People with disabilities should have the opportunity to work, so that they do not entirely rely on social support, as has been the case recently. We people with disabilities do not want this. We want to have equal rights.

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