PM Donev: The caretaker government is ready for the early elections on April 2

donev caretaker government ready early elections april
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от БНТ
13:50, 22.03.2023

Twelve days before the early parliamentary elections, on March 22, caretaker Prime Minister, Gulub Donev, said that the cabinet is ready for the vote. Donev urged the political forces not to involve the caretaker cabinet in the election campaign.

"We have to correct distorted interpretations of the caretaker government's decisions on a daily basis. 12 days before April 2, we can clearly state to the public that we are ready for the elections.

But are those involved in the elections ready for the responsible days that lie ahead after 2 April? It seems easy now - every political player is attacking the caretaker government from the roof of their house of cards. Willingly or unwillingly, we are being drawn into the electoral game. Unfortunately, often with falsehoodsand lies.

Another important point, and I will make this point because it is often conveniently forgotten, is that in recent months the country has been ruled by a caretaker government because of the inability of the 48th National Assembly to produce regular government. This is the reason why we are facing another general election. The expectations of all of us are that the political calculations should include a thought for the post-election days, when those elected in the 49th National Assembly will make decisions about our common future in Bulgaria," Donev said.

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