CEC:Voter turnout 34.41% for Bulgaria's National Assembly, 33.79% for European Parliament

cecvoter turnout 3441 bulgaria 39s national assembly 3379 european parliament
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18:36, 11.06.2024

Bulgaria’s Central Election Commission (CEC) on June 11 published figures on voter turnout as at the end of polling day.

As at 8pm on June 9 2024, voter turnout for Bulgaria’s early National Assembly elections was 34.41% and for the country’s regular European Parliament elections 33.79%.

2 268 644 people voted in the early National Assembly elections, which is almost 415 000 less than in the previous parliamentary elections in April 2023.

Out of the 6 138 050 registered voters in Bulgaria’s European Parliament elections, 2 074 192 cast a ballot.

The lowest voter turnout was in Sliven district, where 24.21% of those eligible voted for the National Assembly and 23.65% - for the European Parliament.

The highest turnout was in the 23rd electoral district in Sofia, where 41.52% of voters voted for the National Assembly and 42.07% for the European Parliament.

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